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What are the regulations for cyclists?

Publié le : 07/07/2021 18:04:04
Catégories : Miscellaneous

What are the regulations for cyclists?

When you ride your bike, there are certain rules you must follow for your own safety and the safety of others. We detail everything below.

 Cycling in urban areas

  • It is mandatory to use the bicycle paths or lanes on the right-hand side of the road, if the roadway is equipped with them. If there are no lanes, cyclists must ride on the right side of the road. In all cases, the direction of traffic and traffic lights must be respected.
  • Only children under the age of eight may ride on the sidewalk if they do not interfere with pedestrians
  • Traffic in special areas;

          o Unless otherwise provided for locally, greenways, pedestrian zones and areas where the speed limit is 30 km/h are accessible to cyclists

          o The speed of traffic in meeting zones must not exceed 20 km/h. Pedestrians have priority in this zone.

          o Traffic speed in pedestrian areas must not exceed the speed of pedestrians (approximately 5km/h)

          o Traffic in 30 km/h zones and pedestrian areas can be in both directions.


Cycling outside of areas

  • Keep to the right when turning where visibility is greatly reduced.
  • Be aware of the air draft when passing a truck which can affect your stability on the road.
  • If you are riding in a group (maximum 10 people), ride one behind the other or two abreast, but not more, to facilitate safe passing. Traffic at night is single file.
  • Avoid driving too close to the shoulder of the road, to avoid ruts or gravel.

It is in any case forbidden to ride with a hearing device, nor with a phone in hand.


Mandatory equipment for cyclists

  • Wearing an approved and attached helmet is compulsory for those under 12 years old, whether they are passengers or drivers.         
  • Wearing a certified retro-reflective vest is mandatory for all drivers and passengers, riding outside built-up areas, at night, or when visibility is insufficient.


Mandatory equipment for bicycles

  • A horn with a range of at least 50 meters
  • A front and a rear brake
  • Concerning the lighting :

         o Position lights emitting a red light at the rear and yellow or white at the front of the bicycle

         o Retro-reflective devices (called reflectors) that are red at the rear, white or yellow at the front and orange on the sides.

         o Position lights and reflectors must be added if the bicycle carries a trailer that is wider than 1.30 meters.

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Marie Diligent

05/01/2022 12:40:34

C'est bien beau ce que vous dite "1 . L’emprunt des pistes ou bandes cyclables à droite de la chaussée, si la chaussée en est munie est obligatoire. En l’absence de pistes ou bandes cyclables, la circulation des cyclistes doit se faire sur le côté droit de la chaussée. 2 . Dans tous les cas, le sens de la circulation et 3. les feux de signalisation doivent être respectés."1 . Cela veut-il dire qu'on ne tourne jamais à gauche ? Comment fait-on pour aborder une double ou triple (ou quadruple) voie dans laquelle il faut être dans la voie de gauche pour tourner à gauche ? 2. C'est faux : Les cyclistes et les conducteurs d'engins de déplacement personnel motorisés (Trottinettes électriques, monoroues, gyropodes, hoverboards) peuvent emprunter les zones 30 dans les deux sens, même si la chaussée est à sens unique pour les voitures. 3. Certains feux sont équipés d'un panneau (un triangle rouge avec un vélo et une flèche ) qui indique le droit de poursuivre tout droit ou de tourner à gauche ou à droite malgré un feu rouge.

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